Resurfacing: The Street, Farley

The consultant representative for Wiltshire Council has advised of resurfacing works programmed along The Street, Farley. The site extents can be viewed on the below link.



The resurfacing works will commence on Monday 13th February 2023 and will be completed on Friday 17th February 2023 between the hours of 09:00 and 16:00 (no weekend working), however, on occasions they may over run due to uncontrollable circumstances such as plant breakdowns, if weather conditions are unfavourable, or occasionally  the need is discovered for additional repairs once the work has started. The road will be open as normal outside of these hours. The resurfacing works involve repairs to the existing carriageway, the installation of new road markings and the adjustment of surface ironwork.

There will be advanced information signs erected on site giving confirmed start dates.

You can view the diversion and road closure information via using the following link:

Due to the nature of the works and the local environment, the works will be carried out within a temporary road closure, to ensure that adequate health & safety is maintained for the contractor & local residents. There will be points throughout the works period where vehicular access will not be possible as plant may be obstructing the road or material may be newly laid which residents will not be able to drive over, as early trafficking could lead to premature failure.

The Contractor will maintain pedestrian access for residents for the duration of the works; it is recommended to residents that when leaving their property in their vehicle, to allow extra time for any possible delays and when returning to their property, there will be traffic management operatives located at the extents of the works, to speak to them, explain where they live, and they will be able to assist.